Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016

Youtube Classroom

Everyday, I open Youtube through my phone, either as an attempt to entertain myself or to prevent falling asleep before my homework is done. Either way, I use the app everyday without fail, with the exception of the times when I have to go somewhere without wifi. I mean, watching with data is expensive as heck.

I've been hanging around youtube for the last few of my middle school years and my entire high school year. As odd as it seems, Youtube is kind of a second school for me. Thing is, there are any things on Youtube that I didn't learn at school. I mean, you might be thinking what a video could possibly do, but when I tell you that I subscribe to various science channel and frequently watch some others that I don't subscribe to, it should make sense, even if just a little bit.

It's actually more than just science. Years of watching my favourite channels actually taught me some things. I'll list some of them here.

Science, DUH
Well, science channels teach science, even more than my teachers. I love trivial science facts, and I wouldn't say no to what Youtube Science Channels. I subscribe to Smarter Everyday, minutephysics, minuteearth, ASAPScience, and also watch Scishow and TED Ed fairly frequently. Honestly, because of these channels, I know the wavelength of visible light (at least green light), poisons, how tattoo works, animal hybridisation, GMO, and many more. What science teacher would teach how tattoo disappears over years, what substances can kill, multiverse, heck the national exam is a more important concern for now, and I totally agree. That's why I look for facts elsewhere.

Hate comments
Youtubers get a lot of hate comments. There are always trolls waiting under the bridge to launch their hate towards everyone. However, youtubers mostly try to ignore them. Why? Because they're not gonna help you. Their comments are just coments. If they keep on listening to these people, they will never be able to develop their channel. If pewdiepie listen to the people who said his channel is stupid and agrees, his channel wouldn't have had the most subscribers in it. Sometimes in life, some people just doesn't want to see us succeed. Some people just wants to bring us down. Some underestimated us and call us an idiot. However, listening to them won't help us grow. Instead, we should listen to people who actually care, who actually believed in us as much as we do. Channels like to collaborate with each other, sometimes creating some amazing content, like Veritasium and Smarter Everyday's collaboration, which was about testing the Coriolis effect. I personally think those two really took advantage or the distance separating them. Moral is, instead of listening to the trolls, listen to people who really deserves your ear.

A channel will have to start somewhere. Everyone starts from nothing. Matpat didn't even have a legit video editing software at first. Heck, he had to do a frame by frame animation back then, moving images by two pixel every frame! Many starts with little to no money to fund the channel yet managed to climb the rock and now makes a living out of Youtube. Life is often like that. It's what you do that makes you someone. It's not easy to make a name for yourself, but somehow there's a way. Some channels rely on crowdfunding, like Kickstarter or Patreon. If you have the determination (and are not some kind of a shameful excuse of a human being) there is a way to achieve your goal.

Enjoy life
Youtubers do what they like. At least most of them. Gamers do let's play, musicians do music videos, teachers and scientists teach, and so forth. Youtube has given them the chance to promote themselves, sharing their gifts, entertain the public, and spread knowledge. This taught me that I can do what I like. Many youtubers just love what they do and do what they love. That tells me that putting heart into your work really matters.

This is kinda unusual, but being honest is important for your work. First, youtubers have to be honest to themselves to do their best. It's hard to be good at something you don't like. They really need to know what they really like and what they really want to do. Second, they need to be honest to others, viewers and creators. After all, you want to build trust between you and your viewers and your friends. Well, lying to viewers might not really be obvious enough to notice, but creators will notice if someone else steal their videos. By stealing, I refer to posting a video that's not yours without crediting the original creator at all. Thing is, those videos are their life, they cost money and time to make, and stealing them for your own profit is definitely unacceptable. The original creators deserve all the benefits from the video. Please, if you want to use their video, ask for permission or at least credit them.

That's for now. I'm having troubles forming a good sentence. See ya next week!

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