Minggu, 14 Agustus 2016


Yo, people! Nice to see ya! This is my first blog. I'm not a very good writer, so I'll try to create good (as in just not terrible) posts. I will be posting about things that I like, although not so often since exams, assignments, and homework are always waiting for me. Yeah, daily life of an atypical high school girl...

A little about me...

I like science. Or just trivial unimportant facts about the universe in general. Aaand a good pun. I check List25 a lot, since it has interesting facts, although I can't check the credibility. A more credible source would be Flipboard, though I don't use it as often now. Don't imagine me being in my room studying quantum physics or calculus or observing brain scans for fun. It's nothing like that.

Rather than calculations and brain scans, I have fun playing games. I can't play that often, really. Again, daily life of an atypical high school girl. I usually play online flash games, mostly point-and-click games, since they are generally shorter than downloaded games. I played several DS games too, like Kingdom Hearts (which i really like), Professor Layton, Harvest Moon (never finished it), and Ace Attorney (all six ds games). This year I also play several games on my brother's PS4. Gotta enjoy it before I leave home for college.

Another thing that I like is cats. I'm a cat person, and that might tell you more about me than this post. I like fluffy cats. I can't have one at home, though, because my mother doesn't really like animals. I draw cats a lot, since they are pretty simple to draw. just a round face, two triangular ears,

I draw other things too. I'm not really a real artist. I just doodle around, and some turn out better than expected. I can draw pretty well if I put my heart into it, but I don't really care much. It's just a doodle. Most are just cats and spirals and eyes. Sometimes  I draw a complete person, some other a complete cat. If I'm feeling good, maybe I'll post some here.

Cats drawn on a tissue with pen. The right one is a failure, but the left one is cute!

I also hang around Youtube a lot. I don't post videos, since I have nothing interesting to post. I've had thoughts about making a channel, but my scepticism told me not to. I do subscribe to some channels, however. I subscribe to some science channels (because it's awesome. Don't care if I understand or not... I just feel like I'm using my time right watching them), some music channels, and two gaming channels. I like watching them while doing assignments and homework to prevent falling asleep. 

That's probably all that i can think of for now. I can't write well, so I just hope you all won't really mind. I'm trying, really.

Well then, I'll end this post here. See ya later!

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